Winter Session Registration Begins Oct. 5 at Rutgers University–Newark

Photo by Josh Gerritsen

  This winter break, students can take advantage of the accelerated winter session term and earn three or more credits in just a few weeks.

RU–N will be offering more than 50 courses, including Introduction to Economics-Macro, French, Precalculus, Principles of Psychology, and Comics & Graphic Novels.  Both undergraduate and graduate courses will be offered, and are open to RU students, students at other colleges, and non-college students, through the Rutgers University–Newark Office of Summer & Winter Sessions.  There are options of morning, afternoon, and evening courses, and also online courses.  Classes meet Dec. 23, 2015, thru Jan. 15, 2016.

Winter Session courses are accelerated but are as rigorous as spring or fall courses, and Winter Session maintains the same high academic integrity as any other semester.  Smaller class sizes during Winter Session mean students get more one-on-one time with instructors, and can interact more closely with classmates.

RU–N also offers the advantages of a diverse urban public research university which is a center of excellence in teaching and academic programs.  Moreover, the RU–N campus is located in the heart of a dynamic international and economic hub, easily accessible by all major mass transit systems, within easy walking distance of cultural and entertainment venues such as the Newark Museum and the Prudential Arena.

Students may view the full course catalog at  Winter Session 2016 registration begins Oct. 5, 2015.  Students may log onto WebReg, at, to register online for courses.

Visiting student who were previously registered for Summer 2015 or Winter 2015 courses can use their existing credentials to log onto WebReg; all other visiting students must complete a Registration Inquiry Form,

A student can complete as many as four credits taking courses which meet five days a week.  Students enrolled at other colleges must confirm course transferability with their home institution.  Per-credit tuition is the same as regular-semester Rutgers University–Newark undergraduate and graduate course rates.  

All students enrolled in Winter Session courses are entitled to use campus facilities such as its libraries, the Paul Robeson Campus Center and the Golden Dome Athletic Center.

Make-up classes will be scheduled if there are any official campus closings; see calendar at

About Rutgers University–Newark

Rutgers University–Newark is home to the Newark College of Arts and Sciences, University College, the Graduate School-Newark, Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick, the Rutgers Law School, the School of Criminal Justice, the School of Public Affairs and Administration, and extensive research and outreach centers, including the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience. Approximately 12,000 students are currently enrolled in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered at the 38-acre downtown Newark campus.

Media contact: Carla Capizzi,