Rutgers to Open COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for Faculty, Students and Staff

University opens online portal registration site
Rutgers announced Tuesday that the State of New Jersey has approved its application to be a dispensing site for COVID-19 vaccines for the university’s faculty, staff and students.
Once the university’s vaccine allotment has been determined and supplied by the state, vaccines will be offered to Rutgers faculty, staff and students on the Camden, Newark and New Brunswick campuses.
To prepare for vaccine distribution, Rutgers has developed a vaccine portal website to allow its faculty, staff and students to complete a questionnaire and register their interest in receiving a vaccine via the university’s sites. Those who indicate their interest will be notified via email regarding eligibility and appointment availability.
Rutgers has been a national leader in the fight against COVID-19 and a key partner for the State of New Jersey, and the Rutgers registration system is similar to New Jersey’s COVID-19 Vaccine Registration site for the general public.
Rutgers faculty, staff and students should sign up in both Rutgers’ and the state’s vaccine registration systems to help public health officials track supply and demand while vaccine shortages are being addressed and the federal government works to increase distribution of the vaccine throughout the country.
The university strongly urges all those eligible to get a vaccine as soon as possible at the first location available, whether at a mega site, health care provider or pharmacy.
On Monday, the State of New Jersey expanded COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to include employees in higher education.
“Understanding how many in our community have been vaccinated is one component in our planning process,” said Brian Strom, chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) and executive vice president for health affairs. “We encourage those who have already been vaccinated -- either with one dose or two -- to share their COVID-19 vaccination records.”
Faculty and staff are asked to enter their information on the vaccination portal. Students must upload their cards on the student vaccination site.
All personal, health and vaccine preference information shared through the portal will be kept confidential in accordance with all regulatory, statutory and privacy requirements, said Vicente Gracias, senior vice chancellor for clinical affairs at RBHS and vice president of health affairs.
How much of the vaccine is available, how much gets shipped to the state and who gets it is rapidly changing, so employees and students are encouraged to check the state website to stay up to date.
Detailed, up-to-date information on the rollout phases, eligibility, registration, vaccine efficacy, vaccine safety and vaccination sites, as well as answers to commonly asked questions, can be found at
Comprehensive information on the university’s response to COVID-19 can be found at
In addition to the Rutgers vaccine registration system, coronavirus testing is available on all campuses to any member of the Rutgers community authorized to receive testing through the university. Rutgers will continue testing based on the risk of transmission of COVID-19 within the university community.