University Operating Status

The Center for Urban Research and Education (CURE) at Rutgers University–Camden will offer a free lecture addressing how Philadelphia neighborhoods experience and deal with social and economic change, at noon Friday, Nov. 14.

Angel Rodriguez, vice president of community economic development for Asociación Puertorriqueños En Marcha (APM), will discuss whether change is something done “to” the neighborhood, done “for” the neighborhood, or done “with” the neighborhood.

The talk, which is free of charge and open to the public, will be held in the faculty lounge on the third floor of Armitage Hall, located on Fifth Street, between Cooper Street and the Benjamin Franklin Bridge on the Rutgers–Camden campus. Lunch will be served.

For further information, please contact CURE Associate Director Natasha Tursi at or 856-225-6797.

Founded in 2001, the Center for Urban Research and Education at Rutgers–Camden aims to encourage, facilitate, and promote research on urban issues by Rutgers–Camden faculty and their collaborators around the nation. The research center’s monthly seminars, held in conjunction with Rutgers–Camden’s Office of Civic Engagement, provide members and affiliates with opportunities to learn about cutting-edge research and initiatives from scholars, community activists and others engaged in urban research and/or urban change.

For directions to Rutgers–Camden, visit