The new Rutgers, combining nearly 250 years of academic excellence with a renewed commitment to medical education, is inspiring faculty, students and staff to form innovative partnerships in academic research and public service. In an online series, Rutgers Today examines the new ways that members of the university community are collaborating, across a wide range of disciplines, to better meet the needs of the people of New Jersey and beyond.
A special reprint of this series is also available for viewing and download here.

Bioethics: A Growing Educational Imperative
Rutgers surgery professor Eric Singer and social work professor Francis Barchi have a common goal: an integrated approach to making ethics education available to a wider variety of disciplines at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels.

Aided by supercomputing resources, Rutgers doctors and scientists are analyzing genomes and human tissues – and identifying cancer patterns – far faster than ever before. This novel approach to cancer diagnosis and treatment teams physicians, scientists, pathologists, geneticists, systems biologists and computer engineering experts.
How to Help Smokers Quit is Focus of Rutgers Collaboration
When it comes to helping smokers kick the habit, one size doesn't fit all. Discovering what influences an individual's decision to light up - and what strategy works best for them - is key to successful treatment. Working across disciplines, Rutgers clinicians seek to gain perspective on the forces that create and sustain smoking addiction.

Training the Doctor's Eye Through the Study of Art
Gloria Bachmann, director of the Women's Health Institute at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, is one of the leaders of an innovative working group that is developing a humanities elective for medical students. The ultimate goal: Prepare better doctors by making them more observant diagnosticians.

Rutgers Launches Neuroscience Consortium
The consortium is the first step in an initiative by Rutgers to establish a teaching, learning, and research environment where resources and knowledge are readily available across all academic and medical disciplines and where neuroscientists are better equipped to compete for dwindling government research dollars.

Rutgers Nursing Schools Aim to Transform Urban Health Care
Newark has one of the most underserved populations for basic health care in the United States. By joining forces, Suzanne Willard and Cindy Sickora hope to accomplish a shared mission: transforming urban health care. Their new partnership allows both facilities to share resources and serve patients far better than they could on their own.

Making Surgery Safer: Rutgers Biomedical Engineering Students Work with University Physicians
New technologies for improved surgical tools or systems that speed access to time-sensitive pathology reports may well come from undergraduates working side-by-side with physicians in teaching labs and operating rooms.

Improving Health Care, Controlling Costs – Rutgers Launches New Initiative
Alfred Tallia spearheads the creation of an Accountable Care Organization – Robert Wood Johnson Partners – to coordinate treatment among doctors, other health professionals, and hospitals through better use of electronic health records.